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Galliagh Nursery School, Galliagh, Derry
APPLICATIONS FOR SEPTEMBER2025 REMINDER!!! ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT TO APPLY FOR A PLACE FOR SEPTEMBER 2025. Applications close at 12 noon on Friday 24th January. If you require any information or assistance please contact the school via email or on the telephone: 02871 353612
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Physical Development & Movement


Children enjoy physical play both indoors and outdoors. They revel in freedom of movement and in play that is inventive, adventurous and stimulating. Physical play that develops gross motor skills, for example running, jumping, climbing, skipping, hopping, balancing, kicking, striking, throwing and catching, helps children to develop balance, control, co-ordination and an awareness of size, space and direction. Play opportunities are maximised indoors and outdoors to help develop fine motor skills such as pouring, building, grasping, screwing, pinching, picking, holding and threading, which are important for the development of eye and hand control. 

Children will be learning to:

  • enjoy physical play
  • develop an awareness of space
  • move confidently with increasing control and co-ordination
  • develop gross motor skills, e.g., kicking, jumping, throwing & catching 
  • develop fine motor skills & use small tools effectively e.g., chopping, threading & screwing
  • complete simple tasks such as buttering bread, putting on their own coat and pouring milk
29th May 2022
We are having lots of fun balancing and swinging in the garden.