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Galliagh Nursery School, Galliagh, Derry
APPLICATIONS FOR SEPTEMBER2025 REMINDER!!! ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT TO APPLY FOR A PLACE FOR SEPTEMBER 2025. Applications close at 12 noon on Friday 24th January. If you require any information or assistance please contact the school via email or on the telephone: 02871 353612
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About Us

Galliagh Nursery School is a purpose built nursery located in the heart of the Galliagh community. The school was opened in 1979 and has been maintained to a very high standard. We are an educational pre-school setting, offering 52 full time places, with our school day beginning at 8.50am and ending at 1.20pm.

Our school motto "Play, Learn, Love and Flourish" is reflective in the wide range of learning experiences that we offer your children. The excellent provision both indoors and outdoors have been designed specifically
to stimulate, challenge and support your young child's development. The ethos within the school has been
favourably commented on by the Department of Education Inspectorate and (IIP) Investing in People... "A
culture which is child centred and in which all staff are unified around one purpose, one mission which is
to make a positive difference in the lives of each and every child that attends Galliagh Nursery School - a
mission they deliver in spades".

The pre-school year is a very special and memorable time for both parents/guardians and children. Our
ultimate aim is to work in partnership with you, the parent, in order to develop your child's confidence and
self-esteem and promote a positive attitude to learning. We hope to achieve this by:
• Providing a happy, secure and caring environment.
• Planning an enjoyable, play-based, creative and active programme wherein each child's individual needs
are met.
• Ensuring that you, the parents/guardians, are welcomed and kept well informed about the pre-school
programme, school events and your child's progress.